DIY Balloon Stand- Simple and Easy

DIY Balloon Stands


Have you ever seen something on another site and thought I can make that. So you go to the site and look for the instructions on the materials used but they are nowhere to be found and you can’t find it anywhere on the site. It’s kinda frustrating at first but if you are a crafter like me you won’t give up until you’ve created the project.


So this is exactly what I did. I saw this balloon stand on a site and really wanted to make it for an upcoming baby shower I had. So I searched and searched but could not find the materials that I needed . The Balloon Stands are so simple but the material is so hard to find. It took me over a month to actually locate the materials I needed. 

The simple part was finding the tops and bottoms of the stand. I went to a local craft store and found two large baking pans and they were half off at the time, this was a win win. I also purchased 2 planters from the Dollar Tree for the smaller one. 


First I spray painted the large pans white, you can use whatever color you would like. I just used white because I can use them with a lot of  different colors. With the plantars I purchased I had to remove the tops off and guess what I used?  A can opener, yes and to my surprise it just came right off. After removing the tops I spray painted the small pans white also. (At this time they were smail pans) . That was the easy part.


Now how to find the clear wrap? I knew how it looked and could even explain it. So I spent several days, weeks searching for this wrap. I went from craft store to craft store trying and asking for that. I also hit every hardware store in town in search of this wrap but had no luck. No one had a clue as to what I was describing.  


So one day looking on the internet I just searched some names in google and started searching and searching and searching, not that I hadn’t already done this but today was the day I would find this wrap. I told my husband jokingly, this will not beat me, I will find this wrap lol. So I went on Amazon and started searching again and found something like what I was looking for. It looked like the wrap so I decided to order it, it is called Acetate Ultra clear film



When it arrived , it was what I expected and it worked perfectly. 

I placed one of the large pans on the floor and unwrapped the acetate wrap. I cut a large piece and wrapped it in a standing position around but inside the pan. The wrap should be able to stand on its own. This wrap comes in several different sizes, as far as thickness. The size I bought was 40”x25’ , in the future I will buy a size up for the thickness. This size worked just had to double the wrap because I wanted it to be sturdy. Once the wrap was in the pan I added balloons inside and once full I added the other pan on top. 


This was such an easy diy but the materials, the wrap was so hard to find. So If you are wanting to make this diy you can because I found the wrap lol. Click the link and it will take you straight to the wrap.    

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